Symptoms of pregnancy: first signs

Symptoms of pregnancy: first signs

This morning I'm a bit uncomfortable. Also, my breasts are swollen and super sensitive. I do the math ... how long has it been since I had my period? Will i be pregnant What are the symptoms of pregnancy during the first days?

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You've heard all about the symptoms of pregnancy during the first days; there are those who were left wrecked and who did not even know. Each woman has her own way of feeling that she is going to have a baby, but there are certain indications that can give you a clue. tells you! .

اعراض الحمل قبل الدورة

Pregnancy signs that don't lie

Doctors call them " early pregnancy symptoms ." The cause? The hormonal tsunami that invades you. In everyday life, these signs are not always pleasant, but don't worry, they may not affect you!

  • Breast pain : It is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy and the most common. From the first days, the breasts are swollen, hard and super sensitive, the nipples darken, the veins become more visible ... Progesterone and estrogens, two hormones that are released from the beginning of pregnancy, are already preparing your body for breastfeeding ...
  • Nausea : If you are prone, they are also one of the first symptoms of pregnancy since they usually appear about two weeks after fertilization and appear mainly in the morning, although sometimes also after meals. What causes them? Probably hCG, a hormone produced by the placenta since its formation. The pregnancy test is based precisely on detecting its presence. It reaches its maximum between the 8th and 10th week and progressively descends, to the relief of expectant mothers with a predisposition to nausea. A word of advice: despite them, never skip a meal; instead, fraction them.
  • Hunger pangs:  While some women lose their appetite or hate certain foods or smells, others are hungry all day. There are those to whom both things happen! They even say that 73% of expectant mothers experience  irresistible food cravings ...
  • The  fatigue,  the desire to sleep or nap are also common.
  • The  urge to urinate  may occur more frequently. The causes are still ... hormones, of course!

Other symptoms of pregnancy during the first days are: stomach or headaches, cramps in the lower abdomen, a metallic taste in the mouth and increased salivation. You can have one or have them all. Either way, did you know that there are tricks to  alleviate the effects of pregnancy signs ? 

اعراض الحمل المبكرة

Is a menstrual delay a reliable indication of pregnancy?

One, two, three days without your period coming, and you already see yourself being a mother. However, do not rush to announce the news to the whole family, because a menstrual delay is not a 100% reliable indication! You may have irregular periods (especially after stopping the pill), or you may have practically no periods for some months (amenorrhea). Also bear in mind that, even if you are one of those who have regular periods like a Swiss watch, any new event in your life (excitement, travel ...) or even the desire to get pregnant can cause a menstrual delay. Sometimes even light bleeding occurs in the days after fertilization, which you can confuse with the rule. It is not, it is a common and normal phenomenon, although if you doubt, go to your doctor. 


To be sure, take the test!

If you have several of the first symptoms of pregnancy, the only option before going to the gynecologist that can confirm it is the  pregnancy test . It is bought in pharmacies and it is a simple urine test that, practical and quick, is done at home. 99% reliable, but must be reconfirmed by a blood test requested by a physician!

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Alicia, 29 years old, mother of Nicolás

What made me suspicious? Since I was little, I loved the Russian cake that my grandmother made, the "paska". Before him I had never been able to resist! And that time, just from trying the first bite, my stomach turned ... Quite naturally, my grandmother told me: "One starts with a kiss ... and ends with more weight. My jaw dropped!

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